
May 27, 2014

Tow Truck for Papa

This morning papa had troubles getting his car to start so a tow truck came to take it to the shop.  This wasn't a big deal unless you're a little boy.  Isaac was very confused and concerned for papa.

I held Isaac and explained all the steps the tow truck driver was making and explained papa's car had a boo-boo and wouldn't start.  Once I made a reference to Handy Manny Isaac was a little more calm about papa's car getting fixed.

Once the tow truck left with papa's car Isaac kept asking how he was going to get home.  I explained he took mama's car to work and he would drive mama's car home.  Once papa's car was fixed we would all go together and pick it up.  Well, I thought we were out of the woods on this conversation until nap time rolled around.

Isaac refused to go to bed and used every tactic possible.  He kept saying "papa needs his car".  It was almost like he was afraid papa wasn't going to come home because he didn't have "his" car.  I reassured him all day that papa would be coming home.

Isaac is such a sweet boy and he certainly loves his papa. He was so relieved when papa came home this evening!

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