
May 5, 2014

Shenanigans: Chocolate & Markers

While there is never a dull moment in our home life has certainly become more interesting now that Julian is mobile.  I find myself refereeing the boys now that Julian can crawl and get into Isaac's toys.   I really feel like I need a black and white striped shirt and a whistle.  Up to this point Isaac has had full control of all the toys and could play with anything when and how he wanted.  It's almost like he's so overwhelmed and of course he's learning too.  So, were working on sharing and not taking things out of Julian's hands.

While Julian was napping Isaac and I laid down for quiet time.  Baby girl was kicking up a storm so the rest was just what I needed but I didn't plan on falling asleep.  I woke to sounds erupting in the kitchen.  As quickly as I could peel myself from the sofa with my pregnant belly I was in the kitchen to investigate.  Isaac had scaled the fridge and helped himself to a chocolate creme egg and a quarter of a bag of mini eggs.  Talk about a little boy on a sugar high!  Oh boy was he hyped up.

It wasn't until Isaac took break from climbing the walls that I discovered a special art project.  Isaac helped himself to a dry erase marker and decided to decorate papa's new computer router.

I was a little panicked when I first found it and was relieved it was a dry erase marker and not a permanent marker.  Fortunately it came off fairly easy.  I wish I could have said the same thing for Isaac.  He decided to extend the art project from objects to himself.

Removing marker from his skin was a little more complicated but nothing a good sudsy bath couldn't solve.  He's such a stinker and so mischievous.  I guess that's the price I had to pay for a little rest.  :)

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