
January 3, 2012

Bye Bye Binky - Hello Withdrawls

At our last check up, the pediatrician recommended the pacifier should go bye bye at six months old.  He stated it's best to just take it away cold turkey and he'll never miss it.  Apparently, the longer we wait to take it away or the older he gets there is more awareness of the binky to the point that older kids have even searched the trash looking for it.  Now, I don't want him to be so attached that he looks in the trash for it and getting rid of binky shouldn't be that hard, so I thought.

The first day, without binky was more of a challenge than I ever imagined.  Wow, did he share his displeasure of going without binky all day.  As a result, anything he could find went in his mouth and it didn't matter what it was.  A toy, his hand, puppy, my hand, my shirt, papa's hand anything within his reach and if he couldn't find anything he screamed.  As the first day went on it did get a little better but nap times were difficult.  By the second day I gave in but only for naps and bedtime.  After a few days we had finally adjusted to life without binky during the day and mostly going without it for nap times too.  Night time is another story.

I guess over the next month the next phase will be to eliminate binky all together, nighttime too.  I'm not sure who is having more withdraws, me or Isaac.  :)

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