
January 26, 2012

Were You Watching That??

Isaac has started to master his little belly army like crawl.  He can maneuver himself from one end of the room to the other in no time flat.  This morning he was at one end of the living room playing with a few toys and in a blink of an eye he was underneath the television cabinet.  For some reason he's fascinated with the speaker that sits on the floor.  he loves to feel the texture on the front of the speaker and I've already had to pick another speaker up off the floor and put it on top of the cabinet.  I was watching Isaac conduct his thorough investigation and then the television turned off.  I looked at the tv, the blank screen, and then looked below at Isaac.

Me:  Isaac, whatchya doin'??? 
Isaac:  I found this thing.  It fits in my hand.  It's kind of smooth.  I chewed on it but it didn't taste that great so I pulled on it.  Now it moves and I can lift it and wave it around.  This is fun!

Initially I thought he pulled the power cord out but no, instead he pulled the cable out of the wall.  The connector was bent and pieces were pulled apart.  If I had to guess, I would say its time to start "child proofing".  As the day progressed his curiosity and ability to get into things, that from an adult perspective would appear to be of no interest to a little guy, enlightened me. 

This is Isaac attempting to pull the lamp off.....again.  

I found your computer cord momma.....

Hmmmm, I found more tags!  I love tags.  If I pull on it can I get it off so I can chew on it??

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