
January 20, 2012

A Play Date with Parker

Isaac had a great morning, he woke up early and ate a big breakfast (a bottle of milk and beef, yum!).  Little did he know that there was some fun things planned for the day.  When Isaac woke up from his morning nap, Parker had arrived.  I went to get Isaac from his crib and he could hear Parker (he's 2 weeks older than Isaac) in the living room and Isaac just looked at me and looked back towards the door of his room.  He knew something was different but he wasn't sure what it was.

When we walked into the living room he smiled from ear to ear.  I put him down on the floor and sat beside him but he wouldn't leave me.  He wasn't sure he wanted to venture off just yet, no, he preferred to sit and take it all in by observing.  At one point, Parker squealed really loud out of excitement but it startled Isaac and he cried.  Isaac isn't accustomed to loud noises apparently.  It took some consoling but Isaac eventually warmed up and played with his toys.  He sat next to Parker and kept touching his sweatshirt, more so because of the logos.  Isaac loves touching logos on clothes, socks, whatever it is, he wants to investigate.

Isaac had a great time playing with his little buddy.  It must have worn him out, he took a nice long nap in the afternoon!

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