
October 10, 2014

On The Right Track

Rebecca had another weight check on the 8th of October and I was so happy to hear the doctor say she was back to her birth weight of 8 pounds and 6 ounces! This little girl's appetite is kicking in and we're moving in the right direction.  It's such a relief to know we're on the right track now. 

Since Isaac was in school and Julian was with a sitter for Rebecca's appointment I took advantage of the time to get some groceries with baby girl.  It was so nice to get out and Publix is amazing with all the coupons they send as part of their baby club.  I became "that person" who held up the line with all my coupons and was super excited to have saved over $25!  The one thing about having a family and little kiddos is the lowering of expectations.  Who would have thought there would be a time in my life when a trip to the store would feel like a vacation or saving $25 in coupons would feel like winning the lottery!?  Ha!

Even though our evenings have still been a little rough this little girl has stolen my heart.  She's a little angel during the day and little fussy at night.  She's been very gassy and hard to burp which is making it hard for her to go back down to bed.   However, I'm managing to get some naps during the kiddos morning naps while Isaac is at school.  The irregular sleep results in a fair amount of headaches which is no picnic and our weather hasn't been helping with the storms and tornado warnings.

This little girl loves to soak up all the cuddles!  Frazer discovered a fun fact today too.  He's been doing some genealogy research on his side of the family and learned he had a Great-Grand Aunt called Rebecca who was born in 1872!  

While Julian is adjusting to no longer being the baby he made sure to get the focus back on him for a bit resulting in the need for a basement door solution.  This little guy managed to open the door and he feel down the steps.  It's a good thing he's a tough little guy. He busted his mouth up a bit and got a bruise on his head but seemed fine otherwise and it certainly didn't slow him down!

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