
October 5, 2014

Mama's Outnumbered

Julian has discovered a new game and I'm sure he's very amused with himself.  As soon as it's time to feed Rebecca he waits patiently until I'm all settled and then he attacks.  He runs off on a mission to explore everything he knows that is supposed to be off limits and stays just out of my reach.  It's like watching the Tasmanian devil spin out of control while he's in the nursery with me.  I will say he's very curious about his little sister and can be very loving.  It's quite the challenge to juggle the needs of both little ones!

Rebecca had a weight check on the 3rd of October and she's at 7.14 pounds.  She hasn't gained anything since her last check up.  The doctor says she's okay and there are no real issues unless she continues to not gain any weight.  I'm going to have to focus more supplementing her with formula so I can measure her intake.  I'll bring her back next week for another check up.  

As much as I wish Rebecca was gaining more weight mama on the other hand has already lost 20 lbs which is very encouraging!  I think my rapid weight lost can be attributed to chasing the boys.  This mama is outnumbered and the kiddos know it.  I'm going to have to come up with a new game plan to stay ahead of them.

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