How exciting! Another milestone as we get to transition away from formula and move to whole organic milk. We couldn't be more excited about this transition. For us it means no more buckets of formula at $35.00 a pop, no more scooping out formula and no more washing small formula containers. Wohoo! Isaac however.....was not so excited.
Let's just say after finishing up the formula on hand Isaac wasn't happy about the transition to milk. He took one drink and look at me like, um, mama, what are you trying to pass by me?? This isn't my milk? What did you do to my milk?!
So, there was a tiny bit, and I mean tiny bit of formula left so I mixed a couple of bottles of 50/50 mixes and after some struggles and a lot of coaxing he finally started to give it a try.
Out of habit, we've always prepared the bottles the night before with water when using formula. So, with milk I thought I would go ahead a prepare his bottle for breakfast and leave it in the refrigerator over night. Well, I'll give myself a pat on the back for the effort however Isaac didn't much care for a cold bottle. Nope, he's a bit picky and prefers a fresh bottle that isn't cold. He's okay with the cold liquid just not a cold bottle to hold on too.
After we figured out all of these intricacies we had a success and after a couple of days Isaac was taking his full bottle of milk! Yeah!
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