
July 11, 2012

The End of an Era

This morning around 3:00 am I received a text message from my dad letting me know Grandma Jane had passed.  As sad as the news was my initial reaction was heart ache for my dad.

Grandma Jane (Dorothy Jane Bates Strickling) was only days away from her 96th birthday.  My heart is truly heavy by the loss of my grandmother.  I'll always remember making raisin filled cookies with her.  I remember standing on a chair next to the stove so I could help stir the raisins as they cooked.  We used the kitchen table to roll out the dough and assemble the cookies before they were baked.  For as long as I can remember she baked batches big enough to freeze and every visit I would receive a bag of raisin filled cookies.

She also loved strawberry freezer jam. The funny thing is every time I would visit she would give me a jar of jam and remind me she was allergic so I needed to take some.  She said the same thing about orange juice.  I think it may have been her clever way to get me to take some jam and drink my orange juice :)

When I was much younger I also remember her apple trees.  She had one in the front yard and one in the backyard.  Each season she would bag up the fallen apples and give several bags to my Grandma Elsie who transform them into yummy creations of apple pies, apple butters and apple jams.  I also remember all of the bee's around the fallen apples and running away from them.

Grandma was excellent at crocheting and I think most of her grandchildren received a handmade crocheted afghan. I still have mine tucked away in the linen closet.  She taught me how to crochet once and I still have one of the crochet needles.  I can't remember how now but will always remember her for it.

An era with my grandparents has ended but the memories will last forever.

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