
July 4, 2012

July 4th Celebration

When we moved in a few of the neighbors let us know who to contact to make sure we were added to the neighborhood distribution list.   We were also notified of the neighborhood parade that would take place for the 4th of July! We certainly provided our contact information and in return we received all of the details for the neighborhood's celebration.

I made sure Isaac was up early but not to early as I didn't want nap time to interfere with the parade!  We were all outside and ready for the parade to start at 10:00 am.  We opted to be on-lookers this year instead of parade participants.  This way we were able to scope out the event with plenty of time to plan for next year. :)

We walked to the end of the drive way and saw most of the neighborhood kids all lined up and ready to go on the decorated bikes, trikes, strollers and wagons.  The four-legged friends of the neighborhood got to participate too.

Isaac got to watch the flashing lights of the big fire engine and of course he waved to the firemen too!  He didn't flinch at the sirens either.

He waved to most of the neighbors as everyone walked by.  It's so great to be part of a neighborhood that's so friendly and social.  After the parade, the neighborhood pool party kicked off at 12:00 noon.  However little man tuckered out for nap time and we weren't able to make it until 2 ish.

It was a great afternoon and the perfect opportunity to meet several of our neighbors.

I was also super excited to learn there was a baby pool!  Isaac had a ball.  He could stand up and walk in the pool.  He had all kinds of fun splashing.  He was so funny to watch as he tried to reach the bottom of the pool with his hand while not realizing how close his face was getting to the water.

After an afternoon at the pool we were all worn out.  Once Isaac was down for the night we started to hear fireworks going off near by so we grabbed a couple of drinks and headed for the front steps to see if we could see anything.  Several of the neighbors were outside as well so we went over to join them.  It was truly a wonderful evening.  We spent most of the night in the middle of the street with a group of neighbors turning in circles depending on which direction the fireworks were shooting off.  We had a spectacular view.  The neighbors down the street in the cul-de-sac were setting some off, across the street had some low ones that were fun to watch and there were more in three different directions from surrounding areas.  The entire time I had Isaac's monitor clipped to my pocket and he didn't make a sound.  This was a great day in my book!

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