Shortly after being checked into the triage area the same resident who did my exam on Friday was back again. And I have to say for the record, cervical exams are not fun! This time wasn't much better either. Friday I was only 1 cm and even with my water breaking I was now only 2 cm dilated. At least it's progress but there's still a long way to go to get to 10. Ugh!
Around 5:00 am Carrie arrived. I've known Carrie for 5 years and there is no one else I'd rather have for additional support during labor. Frazer was also relieved to have additional support this time too.
The first couple of hours after check in there was little progress so it was a good time to get some rest especially considering we didn't go to bed until midnight and only had a couple hours sleep.
8/11/13 8:00 am |
I'm also considered high risk not only due to my age but also since I've had a prior c-section. While I'm hoping to have a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarian) I guess it's an additional risk going for a trial of labor post cesarian. Apparently you have to have a successful trial of labor before it's considered a successful VBAC. Who knew :) So, considering all the high risk factors I had to have continuous fetal monitoring.
8/11/13 8:30 am |
With the continuous monitoring that meant walking around was out of the question. I had a small little area I could shuffle around in. I was literally on a short leash except for potty breaks. The other downside, I wasn't allowed to eat either. If for some reason I needed to have another c-section I wasn't allowed to have any food. Now at this point I had been up for 5 hours with who knows how much longer to go and no food....really!?
It's a good thing we packed snacks! Frazer packed a box of Ritz crackers and I packed a few protein bars. I could have small sip sized containers of juice and all the water I wanted. I just made sure I hid the evidence when the nurses came in.
8/11/13 8:37 am |
8/11/13 8:37 am |
Carrie helped me utilized the small area I did have to stand up and try different positions to accelerate my progress as much as possible. I stood, shuffled, swayed and stretched standing up until my legs were tiring. Then I switched to laying down in different positions and alternated back and forth.
We were in the triage area for six hours. Much longer than we anticipated but every delivery area was full. It was a busy day for babies! Finally around 10:30 am it was time for us to move into the delivery area, room 6. :) It's funny how just a minor room change can be a huge shift for the psyche. This was the room our baby would be born in.....a very moving moment.
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