
August 5, 2014


When the snorkeling was over the captain led us back and we got to see dolphins!

They were breathtaking!  And they followed the boat!

They were so close it was amazing!  Watching them swim and follow the boat was so unexpected and I couldn't stop smiling.  It was fantastic!

The water was so clear it was if I could reach down and touch them.

My favorite was watching the baby dolphin swim right next to it's mama.  This gave me chill bumps and warmed my heart.  It's an experience I'll never forget.

There were also the most amazing jumping fishes coming out of the water.  They were incredible to watch but not so easy to take a picture of.  There were so many of them jumping out of the water so quickly and then diving back in!

I used google to find a close up image.  These were the coolest little creatures I've ever seen.

 The entire afternoon was absolutely amazing!!  What a great time!!

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