
April 9, 2014

Fear of Dogs and Crawling Backwards

I went to visit Lori this afternoon and the drive was fairly easy until the last ten miles.  Ofter an hour and a half in the car Julian had had enough.  He was tired, hungry and screaming bloody murder in the back seat!  His scream reache an octave that is ear piercing.  Wow he has a set of lungs!

Lori has a sweet old doggie, Calli, and she doesn't have the energy to hurt a fly.  Despite her elderly nature Isaac is still very much fearful of dogs.  When he sees a dog approaching he leaps into the lap of the nearest person and holds on for dear life until he warms up.  Lori was there to comfort him and help him get use to Calli.

Meanwhile Julian was getting settled in and working on his crawling skills.  He's been up on his hands and knees lately rocking and recently he's started moving but he's moving backwards.  

He's doing a great job building his muscles.  It certainly won't be long before he's moving around exploring.

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