
October 19, 2012

Craft Time & Park Play

This morning "we" made trick-or-treat bags with the mom's group.  I say "we" since I did most of the work and Isaac held the marker.  The bags were pre-made and we got to make a pumpkin face and glue the pumpkin onto the bag.  Little wiggle eyes had to be glued onto the ghosts and then attached to the bag as well.

Some of the bigger kids were better and helping out and doing a lot of the work for the craft project.  As the projects were being completed more and more kids were down running a round and Isaac had fun running around the room and perusing all the diaper bags for various goodies.  All moms need to be on notice when Isaac's around to make sure all keys and iphones are out of sight.

After the craft event a bunch of moms went the a local park, Wills Park.  We'll definitely have to go back.  There is one whole section for kids with fantastic wooden structures to run through and climb on.

He got to bang and hit the metal objects to make fun noises with the xylophone type thing.  Like my technical term, huh?  

There was another section with a heavy black fabric the kids were jumping on.  Isaac stood and watched a bit.  There was some mulch on the fabric that kept bouncing and he was thoroughly entertained by this.  He climbed on and sat down to play with the mulch.  Picking up handfuls and tossing it in the air he shrieked with excitement.  Isaac was having fun.  If he knew how to jump he would have been all over it.  He stomped his feet instead to make the mulch move and he was so giddy.

 Then we moved onto the slides.  He went down the small slide several times and tried to climb back up.  Then we climbed to the top and went down the big slide.  I put him on my nap and we went down together.  We both had fun going down the slide!

Afterwards we went to lunch at Chick-fil-a with Lisa, Asher and Shayna.  Shayna is two-ish and a great example for Isaac.  She was so good at wiping her own hands and wiping her mouth when she was finished eating.  At dinner Isaac took a napkin and attempted to wipe his hands and mouth.  He still needs assistance but I love to see him learning!

 It was a fun filled beautiful day!

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