
September 28, 2012

Isaac's 15 Month Check Up

It was 15 month check-up time today!

The adventure started on the way to the pediatrician with Isaac shredding the screen on the window in the backseat.  I think he forgot the intended purpose of the screen to keep the sun out of his eyes.  Instead he was more intrigued his arms have grown long enough to reach it and grab it so of course he had to pull it down.  However, in the course of pulling it down he ripped it, right as we pulled into the parking lot.

Once inside Isaac was rather content even once we were in the exam room.  That is until it was time to lay on the table.  That he certainly remembered and wanted no part of!  Talk about instant tears!

Isaac now weighs in at 22 1/2 lbs, so he's in the 25th percentile for weight and the doc is happy so I'm happy.  He's still in the 75th percentile for height measuring 32 1/4".  He's a tall slim boy. :)

I was warned that tantrums might start when I informed our doc that...yeah....they've already started.  Oh how wrong I was in thinking tantrums didn't start until age 2.  I know I was in denial, I still am.  I just call it a coping mechanism.  So, when tantrums start we're suppose to ignore him and walk away.  No picking him up until he stops crying then he can have lots of positive attention.   This is actually kind of hard because some of him tantrums make me laugh and I know I shouldn't let him see me laugh. I try really hard to hide it so I'm good at walking away...sometimes.

At completely random times, Isaac will drop to the floor and meld, sinking his head as close to the ground as possible, likes he hiding.  I can almost hear him thinking, I'm invisible mama, you can't see me!   He has also taken to randomly hitting his head against the floor or against objects.  It's silly and makes my head hurt when he does it.  Doc says some kids do this and it's a sign of intelligence.  So, again just ignore him when he does it.  Ugh, that one's hard!

I had the doc check his feet too since Isaac is still toeing in a bit on his right foot.  Isaac had his right foot tucked under him while he was breach.  He said his tibias turn in slightly and he may always toe in to some extent so we need to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't sit on his legs with his feet tucked under him.  The doctor also stated that many olympian runners toe in and it will make Isaac a faster runner.  Who knew!  We'll have to wait and see on that one.....

Then it was time to get his shots. :-(  I know Isaac hates this more than I do but absolutely hate it for him.  He had a flu shot too and has to go back in 4 weeks for a booster shot.

He did really well and had a great a check-up!

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