
September 10, 2012

Dentist, Dinosaurs & Dinner Time Fun

A trip to the dentist is a grounding experience and certainly gets you back into the swing of a regular week after spending a week at the beach.  Since Frazer was in Spain, Auntie Jenn was able to meet me at the dentist to help entertain Isaac while I had my check-up.

I arrived before Jenn so Isaac got to back to the dental chair with me and when Jenn arrived Isaac sat on her lap.  I couldn't believe how good Isaac was.  He sat on Jenn's lap the entire time I had my teeth cleaned and didn't make a peep.  He was thoroughly entertained by watching the hygienist and kept a careful eye on mama.  When he wasn't interested in the hygienist he had auntie to keep him entertained with her iphone.  I've never seen him sit so still and so quiet for such a long time.  :)

Afterwards we all went for lunch at LaMadeline's.  Love that place.

After lunch it was time to head home and get the little guy down for a nap.  Once he had his batteries recharged he was ready for some play time.  He's been working on figuring out how to ride his dinosaur instead of walking behind it.  When he sits on it he usually moves backwards and keeps working on how to figure out how to go forward.  Today however he decided to try out a new trick......

I had never considered the option of Mr. Dinosaur becoming a skateboard.  He stood on it for a while, stepped off to one side the back up, then back off to the other side.  Isaac was entertained so I was happy.  When the novelty of his new trick wore off he joined me in the kitchen while I was fixing dinner for some cabinet rummaging.

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