My sweet little continue to amaze me with your wonder and discovery of the world around you. I love the innocence and purity in your expressions as you explore with no preconceived notions. You may not be aware of the intended use of a particular item but that does not prevent you from being creative. I hope this is a trait that will always remain with you.
This month your wings of independence have started to sprout. During meals you've decided that bibs are not your thing. Don't get me wrong, you appease me at first. The colorful bibs with patterns and creatures catch your attention in the beginning but at soon as you've had your fill there is no hesitation on your part in letting me know. The amount of determination is actually impressive for such a little guy as you tug and pull until you've accomplished your mission of ridding yourself of the item that's cramping your style. However, this has not been a barrier or prevented you from eating.

Isaac, I absolutely love your laid back, happy-go-lucky demeanor. Almost everything you do is followed by a smile or a giggle. You discovered the delight of bouncing in your crib. The look on your face was priceless. As if you were thinking, wow mama, why didn't you tell me my crib could be so fun. Bouncing is awesome! You also learned to wave this month! If I'm in the kitchen and I wave to you, you wave back, sometimes with both hands accompanied by an ear-to-ear grin. You even started to wave bye-bye to papa in the morning.
Other things that provided you with great moments of joy was the discovery of tossing things on the floor. Any items on the coffee table or the end table have now become fair game. pick them up and throw them on the floor. Your bottle.....on the floor. Mama's coffee......yep, you tossed that on the floor, a couple of times. No place is safe that is within your reach. Even the toilet paper has become fair game. I learned my lesson not to turn my back on you. In a split second you can unroll half a roll of toilet paper.
You also turned into a little speedster. Hearing your knees hit against the hardwood floors as you speed-crawl makes me hurt for you. You however don't seem to be bothered. Along with speed, you decided to work on your agility this month too. You love crawling under the coffee table, just because you can, as well as under the chairs in the kitchen, in and out of the kitchen cabinets and even under the bed to play peek-a-boo.
You are now and will forever be my sweet-sweet boy.
Love you bunches,
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