Isaac napped almost the entire way there and when we arrived so my hope was he would be well rested and ready for the adventure. The first stop upon arrival was the Flamingos! I got Isaac out of the stroller and held up for a better view and he just gazed at the strange looking animals, expressionless. He was certainly observing his surroundings but his primary interest was not in the animals. He was way more interested in people watching! I can't really blame him...I've always been a people watcher myself. People are such fascinating creatures too.....
We continued to walk....and walk....and walk....through each exhibit. Sometimes the animals were difficult to spot. Perhaps they were being a bit lazy and didn't want to be gazed at by the humans. Isaac looked at all the animals but where ever there were small little kids near by he was much more interested in what they were doing than anything that was in an enclosure. We continued to wind out way through the zoo and made our way to the reptile exhibit. What was I thinking??? Immediately upon entering there was nothing but display after display of snakes! Have I ever mentioned that I don't care for snakes? Frazer was taking his time walking and gazing at the different scaly, slithering, winding, hissing, disgusting things. Yuk! I on the other hand, quickly zipped through while pushing Isaac along (who was playing with his toy elephant so he didn't care too much about the snakes either) and made my way back to the entrance and then waiting on hubby. I don't think I'll be going back to that area any time soon. Now if there were some cool frogs to see or even turtles....I might give it ago. But for some reason, most of those exhibits were not open.
If was still a great day and a great way to soak up some Georgia sun! We all received a healthy dose of vitamin D. :) We'll certainly take Isaac back to the zoo but I think we'll wait until he's a bit more awake or when he's old enough to walk around a bit on his own. Regardless, it was a great way to spend the day!

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