July 31, 2011
July Memories
Born in June, and July has already passed. Every moment with Isaac has truly been precious and treasured. We're both very grateful to have this little boy, even when he's screaming bloody murder and inconsolable. Even though I'm technically on maternity leave, with no job to return to and a job search in my near future, I love the time I'm able to spend with him each day. I know it won't last forever so he gets all the cuddle time I can give him and when my arms can't take anymore he's held close in the Moby Wrap and goes where I go. Even his pediatrician says I can't spoil him at this age!
More Shopping....
After lunch on Saturday we made a trip to Costco to stock up on a few bulk items. In the amount of time it took to travel from lunch to Costco Isaac started to have a melt down. Instead of putting the carrier in the shopping cart we opted to use the stroller. He continued to be fussy when we got inside and no wonder. I took him out of his carrier and he was one hot potato! Frazer then put the carrier under the shopping cart and we placed Isaac in the stroller laying down. He was much happier and loved looking at all the overhead lights!
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Momma I don't like being hot. |
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A cooler, content little man. |
Out For Lunch...
It's always nice to get out of the house and this weekend while running some errands the three of us stopped for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. The last time Frazer and I were there was a few weeks before Isaac's arrival so this was Isaac's first time. Of course Isaac had to eat too so I gave him his bottle while we placed and waited for our order to come out. After Isaac finished he fell asleep in my arms and I placed him back in his carrier. He slept while we ate and we could help but take some pictures of him sleeping. He's just so adorable!
July 30, 2011
Not So Crafty....
While we were still in the hospital Frazer picked up a cute little heart shaped kit to capture Isaac's hand print. I thought it would be great to capture this for his one month milestone. I waited until Isaac was asleep and then got to work on mixing up the plaster kit. Once the powder provided in the kit was mixed with the recommended amount of water, the instructions indicated to tap the container for a minute or so to allow air bubble to surface. Once this was completed I positioned myself with Isaac to begin pressing his hand into the mixture to capture his little hand print. Well, let's just say this was a practice run! The time spent tapping out air bubbles, combined with getting Isaac positioned, took too long. By the time I started pressing his hand, the mixture had already started to harden. So...we did manage to capture a couple of cute pictures otherwise we'll have to attempt this again. Perhaps we'll have better luck next time.
July 27, 2011
I'm a Month Old!
Overall, Isaac is a happy growing little boy. He's eating very well and has already outgrown his 0-3 month outfits. Isaac is becoming more alert with each passing week. He's been on a few adventures aside from local errands and has been a trouper when it comes to travel. So far in his short life he's been to South Carolina and Tennessee. He's not so fond of the car seat for long journey's but only because this little boy can produce some body heat! The insert for newborns which is thick and quilted doesn't help either. After about an hour or so he'll get really fussy and when you get him out of the seat he's almost soaking with sweat.
I truly am amazed how quickly the time is passing by since his arrival. I love watching him sleep, he looks so peaceful, relaxed and so innocent. Often while rocking him to sleep he forms a brief gentle smile then relaxes into a deep slumber. Now, don't let me fool anyone, he's still a new baby and night time seems to be the biggest struggle to get him to bed. I love him so much, even when he's screaming in protest against bed time! It's getting better and he has had stretches of 5 - 7 hours of straight sleep. If only this was every night! But, it will come....
July 26, 2011
Express Myself!
He may be small and he may be new to this world but even within the first week of life glimmers of his personality shine through. From napping, to feedings or just being snuggled Isaac doesn't hesitate to let you know how he feels. I love feeding him and hearing all of the little noises he makes while he eats from slurps to smacks to sweet kitten like purrs, they're all adorable. While napping or just hanging out he'll spontaneously break into a smile or from no where inhale deeply and raise his arms likes he just scored a touchdown! He is most expressive with his hands! Isaac can be asleep and while putting him down he'll move his arms and hit himself on the head and wake himself up. Or he'll be so hungry and when trying to feed him he'll block his mouth like a goalie with his hands but cry at the same time that he's not getting his bottle fast enough. A very expressive little boy! Love him!
My First Bath
July 5, 2011
After being home from the hospital for a few days I decided to give Isaac his first bath (at home) while Frazer was at work. This was just a light "sponge" bath while he was laying on one of his fluffy hooded towels. Let's just say he protested loudly before we even got started! He wanted no part of this from the beginning and proceeded to let me know as he received his bath. He was so mad, aside from crying and screaming, he turned as red as a tomato. As soon as we were finished I wrapped him up in his towel to warm him up and and then washed and rinsed his hair. The funny thing is he actually liked having his hair rinsed and he relaxed like he was receiving a spa treatment. It was very cute. Once we were finished he received lots of love and snuggle time to let him know he was okay. He had himself so worked up he napped for more than three hours!
After being home from the hospital for a few days I decided to give Isaac his first bath (at home) while Frazer was at work. This was just a light "sponge" bath while he was laying on one of his fluffy hooded towels. Let's just say he protested loudly before we even got started! He wanted no part of this from the beginning and proceeded to let me know as he received his bath. He was so mad, aside from crying and screaming, he turned as red as a tomato. As soon as we were finished I wrapped him up in his towel to warm him up and and then washed and rinsed his hair. The funny thing is he actually liked having his hair rinsed and he relaxed like he was receiving a spa treatment. It was very cute. Once we were finished he received lots of love and snuggle time to let him know he was okay. He had himself so worked up he napped for more than three hours!
Papa! Momma's making me take a bath! |
My bath is almost over and I'm not happy... |
Momma's getting me all dry and warm...ahhh much better! |
July 25, 2011
Coming Home
June 30, 2011
It was hard to believe how quickly the first few days went by in the hospital and before we knew it, it was time to take our little man home! Frazer and I had spent time before Isaac was born picking out little outfits for either a boy or girl. However, once Isaac was born at a whopping 9 lbs, the new born outfit didn't fit, it was too small. So, while Isaac and I were in the hospital Frazer was such a wonderful hubby and Papa and bought a new little outfit for Isaac. Getting him ready to go home was so sweet. While I was getting ready, Frazer was holding Isaac and our little one had a diaper leak and got Papa's shirt wet. This was the first day that Frazer didn't have an extra shirt with him. Frazer tried to find a new shirt in the gift shop but they only had women's shirts. However, I had packed one of Frazer's shirts for me to wear home. So, I gave that shirt to Frazer to wear home and I just wore my robe. It certainly added some laughter to our day.
The First Days of Life
June 27 - June 29, 2011
The first days of Isaac's life were so very special. Even though I was recovering from surgery and in significant pain, looking at him and holding him made every other care in the world disappear. I loved every minute of snuggling with him, feeding him for the first time and even changing his diaper for the first time. If Isaac wasn't in Papa's arms he was in mine. There were only a couple of times that he had to go to the nursery and even then Papa was with him. From the time he was born he was always with one of us. We both wanted to make sure we cherished his first few days of life to ensure we both focused on Isaac and bonding as a new family. This is one special little boy who has two parents who love him very much and will do everything we can to make sure this little boy knows he is loved.
The first days of Isaac's life were so very special. Even though I was recovering from surgery and in significant pain, looking at him and holding him made every other care in the world disappear. I loved every minute of snuggling with him, feeding him for the first time and even changing his diaper for the first time. If Isaac wasn't in Papa's arms he was in mine. There were only a couple of times that he had to go to the nursery and even then Papa was with him. From the time he was born he was always with one of us. We both wanted to make sure we cherished his first few days of life to ensure we both focused on Isaac and bonding as a new family. This is one special little boy who has two parents who love him very much and will do everything we can to make sure this little boy knows he is loved.
July 22, 2011
A Flood of Emotions
June 27, 2011
After Peanut was out of my tummy, I heard the nurses comment "that's a big baby" but I kept waiting to hear Peanut cry, it seemed like forever. I knew Isaac was being cared for by a team of nurses while Dr. Tate was closing up my tummy. But, I kept thinking to myself, I haven't heard him cry yet, is everything okay? Then, he cried. I still hadn't seen my son but I could hear him cry. A very healthy set of lungs too!
There is nothing like hearing the sound of your child cry for the first time. It is the most reassuring sound that fills and soothes every fiber of your body. At last, my little Peanut was born a healthy 9 lb baby boy. At least at this point I knew he was okay but this was still difficult because I hadn't held my son yet. The medical teams were caring for Issac and caring for me but both independently. Frazer was able to go over and meet Isaac and take pictures of our little man. The nurses also told us that Isaac obtained a small battle wound during his entry to the world. His little bum was nicked when my belly was cut open. Then, the next thing I know they were wheeling me out of the surgery room and into recovery but I still hadn't seen or held my son!
Talk about being overwhelmed with emotions! Isaac had to go the nursery for a little while to be looked after and monitored but since he was showing interest in nursing Frazer was able to bring him to me twenty minutes after he was born. So, FINALLY, at 12:00 pm I met my son for the first time. Such a sweet moment to hold him in my arms for the first time. There are no words to describe the food of emotions of becoming a mother for the first time. I never imagined it was possible to love something so tiny and precious. All I know is I love this little boy!
It's Go Time....Time to Meet Peanut
June 27, 2011
Around 10:30 - 11:00 am I was moved into the operating room. This is where the spinal block was administered and lets just say this was not fun. I had to remain completely still in a cold room, wearing only a thin gown and I was trying not to shiver from being cold or move from the pain of the needle. The anesthesiologist asked if I could feel the pain, um yes, you just inserted a large needle in my spine! Once they were finished it was only a matter of minutes that my extremities began tingling and then I wanted to wiggle my toes and I couldn't. A very strange feeling that could almost make you panic but I remained calmed and focused on all of our relaxation exercises from birthing classes. Then, I was laid down and draped. Next, Frazer was brought in and the doctor was ready to get started.
The doctor began the procedure, cutting into my belly, while Frazer was holding my hand. I was very anxious since I couldn't see what was happening but I could slightly feel movement around my belly. I could hear the medical team talking and Dr. Tate commented about Peanut's position once he had my belly open "that's why I didn't deliver this one"! Then Frazer stood up so he could see what was happening and he said he could see the back, legs, then arms. It's a Boy!
We were very proud to welcome our little one.
Isaac Neil Middleton
June 27, 2011
11:35 am, EST
9 lbs / 20 in
It's Peanut Time!
June 27, 2011
We arrived at the hospital around 7:15 am. We got to take advantage of the valet parking so Frazer could help me waddle to Labor & Delivery. When we arrived, Dr. Tate had already called ahead so they were ready for me which made the admission process very easy. After a few short minutes Frazer and I were taken back to a triage room. This was kind of funny...it seemed like the lady who walked us back was sprinting, um hello, my water broke, I'm still leaking, also having contractions...can't walk very fast! Anyway, the first team of nurses were wonderful and changed into a hospital gown and was hooked up to a couple of monitoring belts to monitor the fetal heart rate and contractions. One of the nurses also completed a quick ultrasound to verify Peanut's position. No surprise, Peanut was still a footling breech so a c-section would be necessary.
In preparation, the nurses checked my vitals, inserted IV's, administered antibiotics and took a quick medical history. While this was taking place Frazer changed into a pair of scrubs. I wish I had taken a picture of him in scrubs. He looked super cute but I guess I was too busy with contractions. This part of the process seemed to take a couple of hours and there was a c-section ahead of me and we were still waiting for Dr. Tate to arrive. But, very soon I would be meeting my little Peanut!
A Very Wet Wake-Up!
June 27, 2011
40 weeks + 2 days. Early Monday morning I woke up around 5:30 am to go to the bathroom. I had some pain getting out of bed but nothing out of the ordinary at this stage. I did feel a slight contraction when returning to bed but nothing major so I tried to go back to sleep. About 20 minutes later I was uncomfortable and started to roll over to my other side and then....I felt something warm. Talk about a wet wake-up call! I immediately jumped out of bed and yelled to Frazer, "My water just broke"! It was 5:50 am. That's the quickest I've ever gotten out of bed! Frazer jumped up and grabbed some beach towels since I was frozen in a standing position holding on to the side of the bed. I feel like I stood there, frozen, for what seemed like 15 minutes. I'm sure it wasn't that long but we were both amazed at the amount of water. At the same time though I was completely energized and so excited that my water broke. At this point I knew the chances were slim that I would get to have a natural birth but overcome with joy that Peanut had chosen a birthday and very soon I would get to meet my little one!
Once the waterfall slowed I was able to move to the bathroom and get a quick shower while Frazer called the doctor. While getting dressed and gathering a few last essentials for the hospital bag the contractions started to increase along with the discomfort. It was time to go to the hospital.....We left for Emory Hospital in Midtown Atlanta around 6:30 am. While Frazer drove he called his parents and I started sending text messages to my parents as well as updating friends via emails and Facebook to let everyone know.
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