
February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day & Snow Painting

It's Valentine's day!  My little heart breaker woke up to some morning fun with a trail of hearts to follow downstairs.

He ran to each little heart picking it up to look at the message on the other side. 

Hid did a great job picking them all up and following the trail.

When he made his way downstairs and turned the corner to see the table he was full of excitement!

He opened his card first then checked out his new puppy.

We saved the best treat for last!  Mini cupcakes!!

After Isaac had his treats it was time for some outdoor fun!  It was warm enough to play outside today in the snow without having to be bundled for the arctic tundra.  Isaac enjoyed working his muscles with the shovel and playing in the slush.

Then we switched to some artistic fun!  Snow painting!  I had some squeeze bottles in the pantry and found a neat idea on Pinterest.  I mixed up some water and food coloring for Isaac to squeeze on the snow to create some art work.  He had a blast!  Julian and I hung out right inside the door watching big brother have fun.

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