The arborist came today to prune all the trees and they look awesome. It's amazing how quick the crew worked and how they maneuvered climbing the trees with chainsaws. They made it look effortless. We're all ready for the fence installation now.
It's hard to see but there's actually a person with a lime green shirt on in the tree! |
The Hollies got a nice trim for the fence too. |
Thinned out the Crepe Myrtles to hopefully train them to grow upwards instead of into the house. |
The Maple's in the front got lifted. |
It's amazing how a little bit of pruning can make such a big impact. Now the tree's in the front yard look so much better. The one by the sidewalk will no longer hit people in the head when they're walking and the one by the driveway won't hit the cars pulling in and out.
Other events for the day, Isaac had his sleep sack off and his pajama's unzipped when I went in to get him. His independence is growing! He was also my big helper in the kitchen as we cooked up a meal for another mom who just had a precious little baby. We made mushroom soup from scratch, roasted chicken breasts for the casserole, made homemade granola and a double batch of blueberry banana yogurt muffins. We packaged everything up and finished the casserole and chocolate cake just in time for delivery!
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