
January 23, 2013

Another Curtain Project

Before I get into to my latest project I have to say that I was up twice last night.  I'm sure one day my night shifts will end but at least the episodes are brief and I can get back to bed quickly.  Last night Isaac was soooo cute.  I heard him crying and when I walked into his room he was overcome with a look of bewilderment.  His little puppy was under his blanket and and he couldn't find it.  He was making the cutest grunting sound and little noises to express his frustration of his unsuccessful search.  I guess you could say it was mama to the rescue.  Once he had puppy he instantly relaxed and settled back down to get comfy and doze back to dream land.  Love him!

As for me, I am happy to cross another project off my list.  I bought the painters drop cloths several months ago to make curtains for the porch off our bedroom.  The drop cloths I used for the downstairs porch turned out so well and it's such a economical solution for outdoor curtains I knew I couldn't go wrong.  What I didn't know was how I wanted to hang them since I didn't have to add any extra material.  I decided to add grommets which I've never done.  For some reason I always imagined grommets being a complicated process until I watched a youtube video.  It looked simple.  To save money on the grommets we found the perfect color on line instead of going to the local craft store.  Once they arrived I got to work.  The hardest part was figuring out the spacing to make sure I could replicate it across the five individual panels.

Once I had the spacing mapped out it was simple.  I used the circle template that came with the grommets, drew the circles where I wanted them, cut out the circle and then snapped the grommets into place. That was it.  It only took a couple hours then I was done!

I love how they turned out.  After pollen season I'll bring them in and wash them again and maybe hem the bottoms a bit but not much.  I also need to make some tie backs but otherwise, I love the look and the added privacy.  :)

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