
April 27, 2012

10 Months


My sweet little continue to amaze me with your wonder and discovery of the world around you.  I love the innocence and purity in your expressions as you explore with no preconceived notions.  You may not be aware of the intended use of a particular item but that does not prevent you from being creative.  I hope this is a trait that will always remain with you. 

Do I have to eat?

You wouldn't know from this picture but the flu bug has hit our home this week......

April 25, 2012

We're Moving...

One would think the process of moving would be simple and straight forward. Especially given the current state of the economy along with the abundant supply of homes for sale on the market, selecting a home, buying a house and closing should be relatively easy. our case....not so much.  We started looking at homes last fall.  We went so far as having a contract to build a new house only to walk the lot once the foundation was poured to be informed of a 50 foot power line easement which altered the design and limited the use of the backyard. limited the height and types of plants that could be planted.  So, that was a no go and we backed out of that one.  So, it was back to the starting line again.

April 18, 2012

The budding artist.....

Lately Isaac has become fascinated with my phone.  I know this is no big deal and all little one's are interested in phones, and keys, and anything else their parents use.  I get it, he wants to know what all the fuss is about.  What's that contraption mama is always carrying around?  What's the big deal?  Well, he was on a mission to find out, only I wasn't aware of it.....

April 12, 2012

No means no....

With each passing day Isaac's personality is forming and emerging.  While he might appear to be bashful when someone new enters his world he's very comfortable in his zone.   

April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

The Easter bunny found Isaac all the way in Alabama and dropped off a very special basket for a very special little boy.

April 3, 2012

Spoons are over rated.....

Why bother with a spoon?  Hands are much more efficient according to Isaac and a lot more fun.  Breakfast should be fun and oatmeal can be boring.  Why not make oatmeal more fun??

April 1, 2012

Giddy Up....

Isaac lights up when he gets to go for rides on papa's shoulders.  He loves holding onto papas hair and apparently Isaac has quite the grip.  He likes to smack the "horsey" to make the horsey bounce!