You are officially 8 months old buddy! I don't think I'll ever cease to be amazed at how much you grow and develop from one month to the next. With each passing day you continued to stretch yourself a little further with playfulness and determination. Earlier in the month I started to question if you had been taken and transformed into a screaming banshee. For some reason you were no longer interested in babbles. No, instead you were fascinated with screaming. Not just any scream either, you were very dedicated in perfecting a specific ear piercing, high octave, cover your ears scream. And then....you would giggle. I suppose this was a form of discovery and self entertainment. I love you dearly son, but I'm so happy this phase didn't last too long.
We shared a lot of laughs over meals and I hope this is a tradition we can establish that will continue for many many years.
I love having you with me in the kitchen whether you're under my feet as you crawl on the floor, walking along in the walker or even hanging out in the high chair so you have a better view of what's going on. You're such a good eater and a great sport when it comes to trying new foods. You've done a great job learning to pick up small bites and finger foods. You love the little wagon wheel puffs regardless of the flavor. So far these seem to be your favorite. You've also enjoyed the teething biscuits but I must say they're messy and before I know it you're covered from head to toe in biscuits. I've made the conclusion that picking up a teething biscuit is worse than picking up a slobbered tennis ball for a dog. You love making noises and putting your fingers in your mouth even when your mouth is full of food. I guess fingers taste better when they're covered with peaches! Of course we both laughed the day you sneezed with a mouth full of green beans. Let's just say we were both covered in green beans! While you love tasting new foods and are learning to feed yourself you certainly do not like it when it's time for clean up. You tolerate having your hands cleaned but you hate having your face wiped clean. Honey, when you have food all over your fingers and then you wipe your face and end up with food in your hair and in your nose......mama has to clean you up.
We've had a few set backs this month which the doctor indicated might happen. Isaac, for some reason typical noises really started to spook you. You've been in the bathroom with me playing in the closet when I take showers since you were born. This month, not so much. From the instant the water is turned on in the shower you scream, and not just any scream, a crying, hyperventilate, can't catch your breath scream. It's heart breaking to watch and even after lots of reassurance that mama won't melt and wash down the drain you want no part of it. You also decided to protest the use of the hairdryer this month along with the blender and food processor. Basically any type of sudden noise that has a relatively high frequency. I hate seeing you so upset and startled so let's hope this is a phase that will also pass quickly.
Your biggest accomplishment in the past month is by far your mobility. To watch you wiggle your way around on your belly one day, to pulling your knees under you the next, to a full on crawl with in a couple of weeks has been amazing. After you decided you were comfortable with crawling you figured out how to stop and sit down to take a load off for a while until you were ready to get moving again. Then, in what seemed like only a few days you started crawling under the coffee table and over any other object that might have been in your way. You also started getting on your knees and you would steady yourself with the rail of the crib. You love to climb all over papa and I. You've appointed us as your personal human jungle gyms which we love. All of those work outs continue to help you get stronger. I was astonished the day I walked into your room and you were standing up in your crib! The following weekend after papa returned from Australia we lowered the mattress on your crib to make sure you didn't fall. There were lots of safety measures taken this past month from locking cabinets and covering outlets to protecting the rail of the crib. But most of all you've been determined to pull yourself up on anything you can from the cushion of the sofa, to your new toy, and even the leg of my pants. Initially you were wobbly but in one short week I've been amazed how much your balance has improved. Now we need to work on helping you figure out what to do once your standing!
I love you Isaac and love that you are still my little cuddle bug when you wake up from naps, before naps or bedtime and sometimes just for no reason. I love being the one you want as you cuddle up in my lap. I love lifting you up in the air to watch you smile and make you giggle. I love tickling your tummy to hear you giggle. There is nothing sweeter than the sound of your laughter. Little man, you are an absolute blessing and I love spending every day with you. You make my heart smile!
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