
January 23, 2012

Isaac's First Fever and Cold :(

The past few nights Isaac has been very fussy and hasn't slept well. At his last check up the doctor indicated this was a normal stage and partly due to teething. The night before I was awakened by his piercing cries at 3:00 am and noted a slight sniffle and made a mental note. Little did I know how quickly things could change within a 24 hour period.

Last night Isaac was up every hour on the hour. When I first checked on him he appeared to be restless but quickly settled down after a quick cuddle along with repositioning puppy. By 2:30 am he was screaming bloody murder. When I picked him up, he was one hot potato!
Time to pull out the thermometer and after a quick read it was confirmed. Isaac officially had his first fever of 102.2. The poor thing had a runny nose, was all congested and beyond miserable. He had so much sinus drainage he gagged when I gave him a dose of children's Tylenol but at least he coughed up some mucous. (Gross I know).  At this point he had dried snot all over his nose and in his hair.  He was a mess and of course he wanted no part of being cleaned up.  Then, we rocked, and rocked and rocked.  Since he was born he loves to snuggle up with his head on my shoulder and this occasion was no different.  He was being cuddled and loved on while being propped up to help him breath better.  Around 5:00 am I laid him back down in his crib and I slept in his room for an hour or so to keep an eye on his breathing.

At 8:00 am sharp I called the pediatrician and we were in within the hour.  We love our pediatrician!  Isaac was a trouper and although he's sick the good news is it's just a cold.  His ears and chest were clear.  I guess this cold is going around so he may have a fever for the next several days and we need to make sure he gets plenty of fluids along with keeping the humidifier on.  The doc also recommended creating a steam tent, a couple of chairs, a blanket and the humidifier and keep him occupied with books and toys for 30 minutes or so a few times a day.

Can you imagine being so miserable and not knowing how to blow your nose?  This is certainly something I've taken for granted.  I know he would feel better if he could just blow his nose but since he doesn't know how, steam tents and sitting in the bathroom with the hot shower running to create steam is the next best alternative.  It was definitely a new experience for me today!

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