
May 31, 2014

Birthday Party Fun with Friends

Since we moved it's been awhile since Isaac has been back to Atlanta to see his friends.  One of his buddy's, Hudson, was having a birthday party at the Art Barn so I decided Isaac and I would have our own adventure of fun today and join the birthday festivities. 

There were lots of animals for petting but Isaac wasn't interested.  It didn't take him long to reconnect with his pal, Lennon. 

Lennon, Hadley, Ms. Lucy with baby Olive.
Isaac and Lennon went to explore the chickens together. 

All the kids got to paint a pig too. 

Isaac jumped right in with all the paint colors. 

Isaac's favorite part was the tractor and hay ride.  We sat at the front so he could see the tractor.  He wasn't sure at first what to expect. 

It didn't take long for him to warm up. 

As soon as the the tractor/hay ride was over he wanted to do it again!  But he didn't mind heading inside for cupcakes next. 

After cupcakes the kiddos got to go on one last tracker/hayride and Isaac was super excited for another ride.  This time he got to hang out with his pal Kaylie.

It was a great day reconnecting with friends and although Isaac said he wasn't ready to leave it didn't take him long before he crashed hard in the car on the way home. 

May 29, 2014

Crawling Julian

The boys had other plans than mama having an easy day.  I had some strange back pain on my left side today and I knew I needed to rest.  Fortunately we were having more storms and rain so it was inside play day.  Both boys kept me entertained and I had a great time watching Julian play.

His skills are advancing daily.

He's so proud of himself.

I love how happy he is.

May 28, 2014

Tricycle Chase

The boys had great naps after their time at the park this morning.  After nap time Isaac wanted to play with his tricycle.  He rode around the the house and Julian was fascinated by the wheels and started chasing his big brother.

They both had a great time together.

Morning at the Park

We loaded up early this morning to take papa to the dealership to pick up his car.  The light seemed to click for Isaac once he saw papa's car.  It was as if the world was finally right for papa to be driving the "convertible" car.  I think Isaac loves that car as much as Frazer does.

Afterwards the boys and I went to Einstein's for breakfast and then we ventured out to find a park for some outdoor fun.

We found a really nice play area and both the boys had a great time.  Isaac got to run, climb and play with steering wheels.

He loved pretending to fly the space ship.

Julian had a great time banging on the bells.

Then Isaac decided to join his little brother.

Then it was time for the swings!  Julian loved the swings.  He smiled and giggled the entire time.

Isaac had a great time too trying out the different swings.

May 27, 2014

Tow Truck for Papa

This morning papa had troubles getting his car to start so a tow truck came to take it to the shop.  This wasn't a big deal unless you're a little boy.  Isaac was very confused and concerned for papa.

I held Isaac and explained all the steps the tow truck driver was making and explained papa's car had a boo-boo and wouldn't start.  Once I made a reference to Handy Manny Isaac was a little more calm about papa's car getting fixed.

Once the tow truck left with papa's car Isaac kept asking how he was going to get home.  I explained he took mama's car to work and he would drive mama's car home.  Once papa's car was fixed we would all go together and pick it up.  Well, I thought we were out of the woods on this conversation until nap time rolled around.

Isaac refused to go to bed and used every tactic possible.  He kept saying "papa needs his car".  It was almost like he was afraid papa wasn't going to come home because he didn't have "his" car.  I reassured him all day that papa would be coming home.

Isaac is such a sweet boy and he certainly loves his papa. He was so relieved when papa came home this evening!

Morning Shenanigan's

The downside to having a toddler who can get in and out of their own room unsupervised is the amount of shenanigans they can get into.  Isaac decided to entertain himself this morning before I was even awake.  Fortunately the stairs were gated so his entertainment was limited to the upstairs.

I'm not sure how long Isaac had been up before me but his little footsteps woke me and and when I went to investigate the first sign of mischief was right outside my door.  Isaac thought he would rearrange his closet and move a few items to make them more accessible.  Perhaps he felt there was better lighting at the top of the stairs to help him make a better decision??  When I saw Isaac's clothes hanging on the baby gate I wasn't sure what I would find next.  Then I noticed the guest room door was open.

Upon entering the guest room the evidence of Isaac's fun was in plain sight.  There was a small first aid kit in the desk that he decided to explore.  The gloves were out and all the individual packages too.  Fortunately there wasn't anything in the kit that could cause harm.

I finally found Isaac in his room.  Oh boy.  He had gotten in the linen closet, scaled the closet shelves and retrieved a container of baby times from the top shelf along with the hair clippers.  He had himself slathered in diaper cream and ointment again.  Apparently that activity hasn't gotten old yet.  In his defense he said he was treating his boo-boo's.  All the contents of the hair clipper guards were scattered all over the floor.  The clippers however.....

Those were found in the bathroom.  Fortunately they were not plugged in and he still had all his hair!

May 23, 2014

Anatomy Scan

We were up early this morning and despite having to wake up early, get the kids dressed and the bags repacked, I was excited for my appointment this morning.  We had a good breakfast before leaving the hotel to make sure we were all fueled up and then it was time to go.

Both boys were great in the waiting room and it didn't take too long before I was called back.  There is nothing better than seeing sonogram pictures of the life growing inside.  It's such a strange sensation to feel all the wonderful movements and imagine what's going on inside my belly, what the baby looks like and what position the baby is in.  The sonogram takes it to a new level when you can feel the movements and see them on the screen at the same time.  It's an amazing moment and I feel so blessed to have this experience for the third time.

The pictures were amazing and I could have stayed there all day just watching.  As soon as I heard her heart beat it was like walking into the most relaxing spa ever.   It's such a peaceful and soothing sound.  What amazed me even more was the technician switched the view to 3D!  They didn't do this either time with the boys so it was a big surprise and it made me catch my breath. 

To see her tiny face and button nose along with her precious hands was fantastic.  It's a moment I'll never forget and I didn't want it to end.  While I was watching the screen the technician continued to take all the critical measurement to make sure baby girl was healthy.  Everything with the appointment went very well.  The only concern found was I had a low lying placenta.  Apparently the placenta was only 1 1/2 cm from my cervix, so it's close but not covering the cervix.  The doctor came in and said my OB would continue to monitor me but at this stage in the pregnancy as the baby grows it should move out of the way and be a non issue by delivery.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned but I know I'm in good hands with my doctor.  All I can do is positive and pray that baby girl and I stay healthy.  :)

May 22, 2014

Atlanta Fun

Since we were Atlanta bound for our anatomy scan early tomorrow morning we made plans to have a fun afternoon.  The boys and I went to Ms. Lori's for some fun and the kiddos had a great time playing together.  Julian and Eliza had a great time and it was so cute to watch the babies play. 

Afterwards we went to pick papa up from the airport but traffic was so bad we ended up meeting him at the Marta location at Lindbergh.  Then we ventured back to the perimeter area for dinner at Figo.  Gigi's cupcakes were next door so Isaac wanted a cupcake for dessert.  

The best part of the evening was saved for last.  All afternoon Isaac had been asking about the hotel.  He couldn't wait to get to the hotel.  Once we were finally checked in he was so excited it took forever to get him settled.  He was bouncing off the walls, picking up the phone, sitting on the sofa, looking out the window, sitting on the office chair spinning in circles and then running back and forth from the bathroom.  Julian was at least contained in the pack-and-play but he was just as wound up.  We did enjoy looking out the large windows at all the city buildings in the night time lights.   

Trying to fall asleep with both these boys was a challenge.  Isaac wouldn't stop playing with the covers and climbing underneath them but eventually he gave in.  Sharing a sleeping space as a family....let's just say it's a bit of a challenge. 

May 21, 2014

Chattanooga Zoo

I found a triple stroller on craig's list and picked it up today.  We decided to give it a trial run by venturing out to the Chattanooga Zoo.

This is one big stroller and it barely fit in the back of the SUV.  It has two seats and an adaptor for an infant carrier.  Then there is a jump seat in the back for Isaac so he can sit or stand.  However, Isaac opted to try out the front seat first.  It's a bit of a challenge to push with Isaac in the front so it didn't take long to figure out that it's much easier to push if the lightest/smallest child is in the front with the biggest/oldest in the back.

Julian had a great time looking at all the fun exhibits.  We stopped and grabbed a light lunch at the snack stand to refuel then ventured out again.  The peacock's were beautiful but very loud.  The noises startled Isaac and even though he wanted to look at the Turkey's we had to move along.

It didn't take too long to make our way through before it was time to head back.  Both boys were showing signs of being worn out so it was time to head home.

It didn't take long for both boys to pass out when we got home.  There's nothing like spending time outside having a day of fun with the boys.

May 20, 2014

Playtime for Julian

Julian is having such a great time exploring everything around him now that he's mobile.  He discovered a new way to play with his jumper today.

He spent so much time walking around the toy, spinning it and crawling under and through it.

I love watching him play and explore.

To Nap...or Not to Nap

My big boy was insistent that he didn't need a nap today but his body and mood said otherwise.  He was so sleepy and just didn't want to give in.  I convinced him to settled down for some quiet time and snuggle with mama.

It didn't take long before he was fast asleep.

I absolutely love watching my babies sleep.  Isaac and Julian both slept for two hours and mama got to rest some with them.  :)

May 19, 2014


Julian has such a great appetite and he's such a good sport when it comes to trying new foods.  However, this morning I think we finally discovered something he's not a fan of.

The first bite of ratatouille took a few minutes to sink in.  He wasn't exactly sure what to think.

With each bite his reaction was more entertaining.

By the third bite he was pretty sure he wasn't a fan.  At this point Isaac was curious and decided he wanted to try a bite too.  As soon as Isaac had it in his mouth he instantly spit it out.

It's a good thing I didn't buy a lot of this since he didn't like it.  

I can't blame him either.  It didn't look good and it didn't smell that great either.  Considering he finished all of his broccoli for lunch I think we'll give the ratatouille up and move on to something else. 

May 17, 2014

Auntie Michelle

Before the boys came home today they got some extra time with Auntie Michelle.

May 16, 2014