We have cups with handles that Isaac uses often but he loves to make messes with the soft spout by depressing the tip on the table or floor and pouring the liquid out so he can splash in it. Sounds like fun, huh!? I've also had a couple of cups with straws so I thought I would teach Isaac how to drink with a straw. There have been times when I've forgotten his cup while we've been out and having him drink from a straw would be handy.
We started out with a small glass of water and a straw cut in half just to make it shorter. I'd put some liquid in the straw and hold it to his mouth and he caught on fairly quickly although he loves to chew the straw more than suck from it. So....I busted out the sippy cup with a straw. But, it has handles on the side like his other cups and he instantly tilts the cup back while trying to drink from the straw. Then he gets frustrated. Trying to convince a frustrated toddler to hold the cup down and sip from a straw has been a bit of a challenge. There is one cup that he loves!
Mine of course! I have a large water cup with a straw that I got from the hospital when he was born. It's so funny to see him pick the cup up and carry it around. And he loves to drink from the straw. At least he knows how to drink from a straw now but the sippy cup confusions continues....