Isaac is 3 months old and taking in as much of the world as he can! It's been a busy month for this little guy and he's proved to be quite the little traveler. Through all of his travels he added several more states to his list of new experiences. With our trips in September he traveled through Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee. Two states were repeats and since we live in Georgia that's a grand total of 8 states. For only being 3 months old he's a trooper and only had a few meltdowns on the trip to Ohio. The biggest was traveling through the mountains with the changes in pressure. Even my ears were popping!
Isaac is truly a happy little boy. From the time he wakes up in the morning he is all smiles and coo's and babbles with complete joy. He's more interactive and watches everything with the most studious expression. This month Isaac started using his hands more and started to reach out for things. Even in the mamaRoo, he started reaching to touch the shapes and patterns he sees.
Isaac plays a lot more now and wears himself out! He still gets very fussy when he's tired but is starting to fall asleep where ever he's playing now when he gets tired. He just doesn't want to miss out on anything. Overall he's a pretty good sleeper. Even at night now he'll sleep anywhere from 7 - 10 hours. I still get up to check on him through the night when I hear him getting fussy but usually once the pacifier is back in, he's back to dream land.
One afternoon Isaac was getting frustrated and didn't want to play on his play mat, he didn't want to lay down and really didn't want to be held either. So, I pulled up a few videos on line and played a couple of Baby Einstein videos. As soon as the video started playing he was glued! He loved watching the colors on the screen and the moving characters. If he's anything like his papa, he's going to love technology.
Full of smiles, curiosity and love Isaac is a blessing. It doesn't matter what kind of day you're having, one look at him and everything melts away. Even when his demeanor changes and the corners of his mouth start to curl into the most prominent frown followed by the most distressful cry, he's full of love and you can't help but love him back and do anything possible to soothe what ails him.