
June 27, 2011

40 Weeks + 1 Day....Where is Peanut???

Sunday, June 26th and still no Peanut.  Restless and uncomfortable...that's an understatement.  My source of keeping myself occupied and distracted was cooking.  I spent a couple of hours in the kitchen making potato salad and chicken salad as well as some iced tea.  I figured I would try to use some of the ingredients on hand while giving me a reason to be on my feet and moving around.  It didn't seem to matter what I did, I remained uncomfortable.  Laying down for a bit...still uncomfortable.  Sitting on the couch with my swollen feet propped up....still uncomfortable.  Despite the heat and humidity, after the rain shower ceased Frazer and I went for another walk.  Again while walking, the contractions started but I my feet started to swell and hurt so I had to take a break from walking.  Once the walking did the contractions.  Nothing left to do but go to bed.

June 26, 2011

Peanut Didn't Get the Memo...

Finally, Saturday June 25th arrived, Due Date Day!  This was a very exciting day however I don't think Peanut got the memo that Peanut was to come out today.  This was a day of very little action.  What to do....walk!  Saturday evening Frazer and I went for a walk and I experienced a few contractions and after an hour or so decided to come back inside and cool off.  It seemed like I was in a constant state of restlessness.  After trying to distract myself with the television I was still very uncomfortable and we went for a second walk a little after midnight until almost 2:00 am.  I experienced several contractions while walking but again they seemed to stop when I stopped walking.  After walking I settled for a shower and then off to bed.  Maybe Peanut would come on Sunday??

June 24, 2011

One More Day 'til Due Day...

It's hard to believe how quickly nine months has gone by! Only one more day until Due Day, how exciting!  The last couple of weeks prior to Peanut's arrival was filled with anticipation.  The last eight weeks or so of the pregnancy our little Peanut continued to remain in a breech position so I continued to do everything I could to help Peanut flip from visits with the Chiropractor, to stretches, pelvic exercises, inversions and even laying on an ironing board inverted off the couch!  At our last appointment there was still no change in Peanut's position so we scheduled a c-section for July 1.  My hopes for a natural birth continued to slip further and further away but I remained positive, said lots of prayers and had many conversations with Peanut.  "Peanut, mommy would really like for you to be able to pick your own birthday.  All you have to do is break mommy's water and we'll come in and get you!"   

While I had been experiencing mild contractions the week before Peanut was born, Friday June 24th, Frazer and I went walking hoping gravity would help initiate the process.  Several times during our walk I continued to talk to Peanut to let Peanut know all he/she had to do was let mommy know when it was time and break mommy's water.  But, once the walk concluded, so did the contractions.  Maybe tomorrow....

June 9, 2011

Only 16 days to Go.....

It's hard to believe there are only 16 more days until little Peanut should arrive.  Knowing the actual delivery date is unpredictable I wanted to be able to capture a few last pictures of my belly.  It's amazing to me how much my belly continued to grow up to the very end.  I have to say my favorite part of being pregnant is feeling all of the flutters and movements of my little one.  Every movement is such a comfort and despite all of the physical discomforts I love my Peanut belly.  I'm just so excited to be able to meet and hold my little Peanut.