
February 15, 2014

Our Unexpected Valentines Gift

Last night we had a wonderful Valentine's date night.  Frazer made reservations at Prime at Lenox and it was just perfect.  We've got to do a better job of taking pictures of our date nights though.

We spent the evening catching up with each other since Frazer is still traveling each week.  I got to hear all about how his new job is going and I caught him up on all the adventures of my week with the boys.

I had a couple of doctors appointments this past week and I was filling Frazer in on the highlights.  Most of the conversation related to the increased number of migraines.  Four migraines were awful with spotty vision, loss of peripheral vision followed by massive one sided pain.  I hadn't had a single migraine while pregnant with Julian so I wasn't happy they had started back up.  I had started a new type of birth control after Julian was born and I figured this version was probably causing the migraines.  It also messed up my cycle so with the two combined issues I stopped taking it in December and was waiting for things to return to normal before starting a different brand.

As I was walking through all of this with Frazer he looked at me cautiously and then carefully asked if I thought there was any chance I might be pregnant.  I laughed!  The thought hadn't even crossed my mind and I asked him if he knew something I didn't know.

Well, this morning I got up early and our conversation was lingering in the back of my mind so more for sake of curiosity I decided to take a pregnancy test.  I had one on hand from the two pack I bought when we found out we were expecting Julian so why not use it, right?

I was still groggy and not fully awake and I didn't have my glasses on either but after the allotted time had passed I check on the test.  Oh-My-Goodness!  I about fell over!

It was positive! I said to myself "No, that can't be".  I rubbed my eyes to make sure they were really focusing and not misreading.  I checked again, smiled, and again said, "no" shaking my head.  I absolutely couldn't wrap my head around the fact I was pregnant.  With my crazy cycle and all the migraines it simply didn't seem logical.  Yes, I know how babies are made.  But when you know the details of the situation and do the math there is no way this should have happened.  All I knew at that moment is we were having another baby and this little peanut was meant to be.  For all the people that struggle to conceive, Frazer and I are a definite match!

I waited to tell Frazer when he woke up.  This was the first time he's been home so I could tell him.  The past two pregnancies he was in Brazil when I found out.  Now, in hindsight, I should have waited until he was awake, took the test and both of us found out at the same time.  Oh well.  Once he was awake, I walked over to him and showed him the test.  He laughed!  At this point it was funny!

Before Julian was born we knew we wanted two children.  And I've always said if there was ever a 3rd there would have to be a 4th to keep the family even.  I think we both really felt we were good with two children.  Then Julian was born and from the time I brought him home the emotions washed over me and I was overwhelmed with the notion that we weren't finished.  I had even given away some of my maternity clothes at that point.  Frazer and I talked about it and we both said let's just wait a few months and see how we feel.  Postpartum hormones can be crazy so I wanted to make sure the emotions and what I was feeling was true instinctive guidance.  After each passing month my feelings didn't change.  We went back and forth of having having three vs four.  The thought of four was really overwhelming but the notion of having a third never changed.

This little baby is certainly a gift and was destined to be ours.  The stars must have been aligned at just the right moment.  I just never imagined having a third baby so quickly!  When I did the math it meant I was already 6-8 weeks along.  It would take a visit to the doctor to determine for sure.

Regardless, we are so happy but I have to say I spent the rest of the day processing the information.  Three babies age three and under.   Wow!  Julian and little peanut will only be 13 months apart.  Wow! Oh-My-Goodness is all I can say.  Life is certainly going to be busy.  The bonus side is I'm probably half way through my first trimester already and haven't really had any problems.

So, we're having another baby!  We'll soon be a family of five and couldn't be happier!

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