
May 8, 2013

A Colorful Day

We had a break from the painters today which is a wonderful thing considering we still need to empty out the office.  That means all the books need to be boxed up.  Isaac and I ventured out to get some boxes and he was a wonderful helper.  He had a great time playing with the empty boxes that were put together.  He carefully stacked them up and knocked them down.

He also tested his strength by moving all the boxes from one side of the room to the other and then back again.

On the other hand, I was trying to be as efficient as possible.  I created a plan for labeling each box with the corresponding shelf/contents and took pictures of each shelf to help expedite the reloading process once it was time to put the room back together.  I didn't see the point in recreating the creative process when I was already pleased with how things were arranged.

Isaac also seemed to think this was a fairly entertaining task since everything was being brought down to his level it was a chance for him to investigate all the contents that have been out of his reach.

At one point I took a break and while I was in the kitchen I notice a long stretch of silence.  Never a good thing with a toddler.  So, I called Isaac and of course he didn't respond or make a sound.  With all the boxes on his level I knew right where to look for him.  Sure enough, he found the box of art supplies and had started coloring himself with a red sharpie.  He found all the crayons and markers too!

Since he pulled everything out I figured there wouldn't be too much harm in letting him explore so we sat at the kitchen table and I gave Isaac the crayons with a blank pad of paper.  He wasn't interested in the crayons and was very persistent in wanting the markers.  I caved....I figured it couldn't be that bad and part of being little is having the chance to explore.

While it was somewhat interesting to make colorful marks on blank pieces of paper it was far more interesting from Isaac's perspective to make colorful marks on his skin!  He favored the darker colors of blue and purple for his hands....

However, red and pink were apparently more appealing for his face and nose.....

But what the heck....he decided to add some blue to his nose too!

After he had utilized every color in the box on the palms of his hands I decided it might be best to head straight upstairs for a bath.  It was a very wise decision considering it took 45 minutes to get the ink off of him!

Ahhh.  My silly little boy.  :)

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