
January 12, 2013

A Week of Isaac

Although I've been feeling less than 100% lately it doesn't mean the world stops, which is good since Isaac wouldn't allow that at all!  We still have to have play time it's just that mama doesn't have as much steam. :)

So, on Tuesday 1/8 we had a low key morning and Isaac took a dive into play land with his Mr. Potato heads.  He was a busy little man with all the different pieces and potatoes.

Isaac's also in the midst of a growth spurt.  His timing couldn't be more perfect so I can rest while he sleeps in longer in the morning and takes longer naps.  He took close to a 4 hour nap today!!

Wednesday, 1/9, we had planned to go to the park but Isaac's afternoon nap went a big long.  By the time he woke up we only had enough time for a stop at the grocery store to make sure we were back in time to get dinner started.  But just because we were only going grocery shopping didn't mean Isaac couldn't have some fun too!

Publix has 3 grocery carts with kids in mind.  As soon as we walked in Isaac spotted the race car shopping cart and I knew there would be no way around it.  So, in he went.  It was little boy heaven.  Two whole steering wheels all to himself!  He vroom-vroom-ed, and beep-beep-ed all through the aisles.

Thursday, 1/10, Isaac was so excited for papa to come home from work.  He had so much fun pulling all of his toys out to show papa his new skills.  He loves pulling his big Tonka trucks out and making them go "crash-bang".  He is also determined to sit and ride on the trucks despite the infinite amount of times he falls off the back.

While the boys were playing I pulled out my new camera to capture some precious moments.  I'm still learning how to use the new fancy camera papa got me for Christmas.  Frazer is still so much better at capturing Isaac but I'm learning.  Between the two of us we tend to capture Isaac's essential milestones.

He's such a cutie!

Even though it's January, the weather on Friday 1/11 was nice enough to spend some time on the porch.  Isaac loves bubbles so much one of his favorite words is bubble.  He got a toy "leaf" blower thats an outdoor toy that blows bubbles.  He's been walking around with it in the house trying to make it work so I figured it was time to put some batteries in, fill it full of bubbles and take it outside.  I'm brave but not brave enough that I want bubble liquid all over the house!  So we were both pleased for some outside fun.

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