
October 31, 2012


We had a great time this afternoon in the park and after some down time when we came home, before we knew it, it was time to get ready for trick-or-treat!

Isaac wore his festive Halloween pajama's all day and they were great to layer under his Elmo costume since we knew the temperature would be a bit chilly this evening.  We kicked off the evening by joining the neighborhood pizza party at the club house.

Isaac loaded up on pizza and enjoyed a cupcake all while running around with all the other kids.  There was another little boy Isaac's age dressed up as an adorable spider.  This little boy, however, was mesmerized with Isaac.  He really thought Isaac was Elmo.  This little boy kept coming over to Isaac, eyes wide open almost in a state of disbelief while touching Isaac's feet and feeling his fur.  It was super cute to watch.

Isaac had a great time running around, going inside the clubhouse, and then back outside.  Watching him run back and forth, in and out was almost dizzying.  Once we were home he helped get the candy ready.

Isaac inspected the candy baskets, perhaps looking for items of interest. He picked up a piece of candy, looked at it carefully then tossed it.  He repeated this process until candy started pilling up on the front porch.

Once we started seeing the kids in the neighborhood on the prowl it was time to take Isaac out for his first trick-or-treat night!  Our first stop was our neighbor across the street then we walked to the end of the street.  By the second house he was dwindling but we managed to walk the culd-e-sac and go to one more house before heading home.  Then, since Frazer had never been trick-or-treating either he took Isaac to our next door neighbors.  That way we each got to take Isaac trick-or-treating and pass out candy. :)

By the end of the forth house when the boys arrived home Isaac was worn out.  I know he had a great day full of excitement, lots of playing and a tremendous amount of giggles.

Happy Halloween!

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