
October 9, 2012

Elmo Arrived

For some time now I've know Isaac would be Elmo for halloween.  I had debated on whether or not to make the costume but after pricing the material and supplies decided it would only save $10 and since I've never made a costume decided I'd just buy it this year and make sure my sewing skills are up to par for next year.

The second item I debated was what size to order.  Isaac is busting out of all 12 month sizes and 18 month sizes are a bit too big.  After his 15 month check up with current weight and height measurements I decided to go with the 2T and was anxious to know if it would fit.

I was super excited when the package arrived today so I had to have him try it on to make sure it fit.  I also wanted to make sure he would wear it.  I've heard some kids love their costumes and others can't stand to have them on.

The verdict...... he seems to really like it.

I got the mirror down so he could see himself dressed as Elmo.  He looked so puzzled.  Almost as if he was wondering why do I look like Elmo?? Do I always look like Elmo??

Once I took it off I let him play with it a bit just to get familiar with it.  I think its going to be perfect for halloween!  I'm so excited for trick-or-treat this year!

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