
August 19, 2012

Wiggles, Tickles and Fun

For some reason Isaac loves when I wiggle my toes.  Anytime I have my feet propped up he likes to come and move my feet to get me to wiggle .  He just loves it.  Only this time he was so tickled that he spontaneously leaned over and blew a raspberry on my leg!

Thanks to Papa Isaac has his very own iPhone, one of Papa's old ones to play with.  He's also been very amused with my earbuds and he likes to carry them around.  He's been working on how to plug them into his phone and I sat down to show him how and put the ear buds in the phone so he could listen to music.

Isaac was so amused.  He pulled them out of his ears and looked ever so quizzically at them. Then he held them up to me.  I put one in my ear and one in his ear and started to move to the music.  He was fascinated.  Then I put both of the ear buds back in his ears.  He was fully content!

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