
August 7, 2012

Happy Big 4.0. Papa!

Every birthday deserves a celebration and a special birthday such as the big 4.0 needed a birthday weekend! We started the weekend off with a small celebration with friends at Eclipse de Luna in Perimeter.  It was a great adult night out while Isaac enjoyed quality play time with Grandma Sue.  For some reason the thought to take pictures didn't occur to me until after we were already home for the night.  I think I was too excited for an adult night, diaper bag free. :)
After Eclipse we walked over to Cafe Intermezzo with Holly and Gene.  Cafe Intermezzo has always been our go-to place so it was the perfect topper to the evening.

Sunday was cake day to prepare Frazer's favorite, up-side-down pineapple cake.  This wasn't just any cake recipe either, this one was straight from a Maui recipe book which is where Frazer's favorite up-side-down pineapple cake comes from at the Hula Grill.  Aside from the sides sticking to the pan a bit it was a success.

No cake is complete without candles to honor the event....  and we can't forget singing Happy Birthday!

For the actual birth-day Frazer planned ahead and took the day off.  Since it was his day we went to Six Flags amusement park.  Isaac had his own adventure spending the day with grandma and grandpa Strickling.  While Isaac was enjoying the playground at Piedmont Park we were riding rides.

I had to snap of picture to document Frazer's survival of his first roller coaster on his big day.  We had a great time riding rides and walking around the park.  We rode the Acrophobia ride too which takes you straight up, makes a slight spin and then drops you straight back down.  It was a first for me and when the ride was making its slow trek to the top and starting to spin I about lost it.  The spinning sent me for a loop and then the seats tilted forward.  Being that high was a bit much and all I remember was how much my palms were sweating.  When it started to drop I thought for sure I was going to fall out.  If that's anything remotely close to sky diving, its a big NO for me.   I'll admit it was a little fun but I don't see myself going back on that one again.

While we were walking around we kept talking about one ride we had been on that we remembered stating we shouldn't ride it again.  Well, it was the last ride of the day and we figured out which one it was.  The batman ride.  At least this time I'm documenting it so we'll remember but as soon as that ride stopped I was saying to myself, I'm more...I'm done.  I'm done.  Then, I looked at Frazer and he basically said the same thing.  We got off the ride and we were both dizzy.  I think it beat us both.  Lots of force and rough movements.  So, it's a good thing it was the end of the day and that was the last one, not to be ridden again.

Aside from a big bouquet of balloons for the big birthday which Isaac loves to play with and, Frazer unwrapped a gift from his parents with tools for his future plane building adventure.  Another package arrived  today.

Isaac was a great helper and had thoroughly investigated the package and scoped out his plan of action for unwrapping once papa was home from work. ;)  There's one more package that still hasn't arrived.  No worries though, it's just another great way to extend the birthday fun.

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