
May 27, 2012

11 Months Old


I watch you grow with each passing month and I can't believe you're almost a year old.  I have to say, the 11 month milestone, more than any, you look more and more like a little boy.

This month I've started referring to you as Cyclone Isaac.  Nothing is safe that's within your reach and it's easy to tell where you've been.  You're a real professional when it comes to tossing the contents of drawers.  Perhaps working for the FBI is in your future.  If you can reach clothing items, you tug until you've succeeded at pulling them free from their hangers.  The storage containers, that once were tidy and stacked neatly, easily found with matching lids are now defenseless in your presence.   Despite the fact we'll be moving in a few weeks we were left with no choice but to install cabinet latches on all the cabinets, except the storage containers since you have so much fun destroying mama's organization.  

You also love to empty the contents of the drawers in the bathroom.  You exert so much effort by climbing on your tippie-toes to see into the drawers.  Perhaps the attraction is the small containers that fit perfectly in your hands that you love so much to dump out.  After picking up hair bands and clips for the umpteenth time I finally started putting the small containers on the counter to protect them from your tiny paws.

You are no different than any other curious little guy and you love exploring the items you aren't supposed to.  I should have created a chart to track how many times you go for the television cabinet.  You certainly don't  like it when I pick you up and tell you "we don't play with the cabinet" and attempt to create a diversion by giving you something else to play with. Sometimes it works and other times....not so much. 

Your inquisitive nature has lead you to peculiar places.  Generally you've enjoyed playing with the step ladder by banging it back and forth against the wall and the pantry. Making loud noises is also a new thing for you and provides you with so much joy!  However, recently you attempted and discovered you could fit in there too.  The sound of your laughter is absolute heaven to me.  

More and more your wings are growing and expanding as you advance your cruising skills to standing, even for only brief moments, on your own and unassisted.  You live each moment for what it is and nothing else.  If the music moves you, you dance.  If a moment of joy washes over you, you laugh.  If you are moved by the excitement in a moment, you clap, wave and clap some more.  I truly learn from you each day more than you'll ever know.  Isaac, you are a true blessing to be around.  I love being your mama. 

Love you bunches,


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