
July 27, 2011

I'm a Month Old!

Overall, Isaac is a happy growing little boy.  He's eating very well and has already outgrown his 0-3 month outfits.  Isaac is becoming more alert with each passing week.  He's been on a few adventures aside from local errands and has been a trouper when it comes to travel.  So far in his short life he's been to South Carolina and Tennessee.  He's not so fond of the car seat for long journey's but only because this little boy can produce some body heat! The insert for newborns which is thick and quilted doesn't help either.  After about an hour or so he'll get really fussy and when you get him out of the seat he's almost soaking with sweat.

I truly am amazed how quickly the time is passing by since his arrival.  I love watching him sleep, he looks so peaceful, relaxed and so innocent.  Often while rocking him to sleep he forms a brief gentle smile then relaxes into a deep slumber.  Now, don't let me fool anyone, he's still a new baby and night time seems to be the biggest struggle to get him to bed.  I love him so much, even when he's screaming in protest against bed time! It's getting better and he has had stretches of 5 - 7 hours of straight sleep.  If only this was every night!  But, it will come....

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